Burn Out Vs Burn In
by Marinda Marshal | EBG Blog Posts
As the academic year in South Africa reaches its final stretch, it’s been quite a journey. In today’s discussion, we delve into “Burnout vs. Burn In” concepts. Instead of succumbing to fatigue, consider directing the fire within to prevent burnout, igniting a fresh perspective on handling overwhelm and exhaustion.
Halfway there, living on a prayer?
by Marinda Marshal | EBG Blog Posts
A necessary question I believe not all of us are asking ourselves, but the underlying presence is always there: where are we? Halfway there, or just living on a prayer? This question is important for all of us, whether it is regarding yourself, your spouse, or your children.
by Minda Marshall | EBG Blog Posts
What is PlaceMe?
PlaceMe rating is based on internationally acknowledged norms and standards for silent reading fluency. In eyebraingym, this is where your ‘GPS’ begins. We can plot a course to where you want to go once you know where you are.
This might be your first step in developing the abilities and techniques you’ll need to succeed in the twenty-first century.
Let’s start at the beginning
by Minda Marshall | EBG Blog Posts
”Skilled reading is an art and teaching a child to read is a science.”
Reading is not just recognising symbols or reading and writing basic words. In searching for a better understanding of learn-to-read and read-to-learn, we looked at Scarborough’s reading rope.
READING – How is it working so far?
by Minda Marshall | EBG Blog Posts
According to the 2016 PIRLS study, 78% of South African Grade 4 children cannot read for meaning in any language (all 11 languages were tested). That is to say that they cannot locate and retrieve explicitly stated information in a simple and easy text.
These children should now be in Grade 10…
Facing COVID learning loss head-on
by Minda Marshall | EBG Blog Posts
Lectorsa is a social impact business in education working to improve outcomes for students in their chosen career choices while helping them lead more productive and responsible lives. The outcomes of our systems are measurable…
Reading enables growth
by Minda Marshall | EBG Blog Posts
Education is synonym with development, growth and transformation. It unlocks our true potential and helps us to become teachers, doctors, entrepreneurs, leaders and more. And at the core of it all is reading. Being able to read well enough to…
Parents as partners in reading preparation
by Minda Marshall | EBG Blog Posts
It is imperative to stress the role of the parents as primary educators. Various opportunities for further reading skills exist within the informal education situation of the child’s home. Parents must take an active role by…
Ouers as vennote in Leesgereedmaking
by Minda Marshall | EBG Blog Posts
Die rol van die ouers as primêre opvoeder kan nie genoeg beklemtoon word nie. Binne die nie-formele onderrigsituasie van die kind se ouerhuis bestaan daar verskeie geleenthede om leesvaardigheid verder te ontwikkel. Ouers moet ‘n…
Ons kan ons kinders help om beter te presteer
by Minda Marshall | EBG Blog Posts
“Wanneer ‘n kind sou kon leer om te lees, en nie geleer word nie, doen die kind groot skade op, en so ook die kind se gemeenskap,” aldusregter Stephen Murphy. Ons is reeds in 2021, en elke dag wonder ek… word die…