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Training Visual Intelligence

Being visually intelligent means being able to process, understand, and express visual information.

Exercising your mind is just as important as exercising your body. Using ‘brain-twisters’ and recognised learning activities that support mental agility, in your weekly routine, has been proven to boost your memory and to protect your brain against unnecessary ageing and processes of decline.

Staying mentally active through your life is essential to keep your brain in the best possible shape and keeping those neurons firing. Visual processing encompasses activities like reading, perceptual accuracy, visual efficacy, visual accuracy, visual memory, connecting prior information, improving thought processes, and decision making.

We need to keep on challenging our brain by actioning new information through processing it in the working memory so that it can be interpreted against known information through reasoning and logic in order to understand what we see in convergent and divergent thinking processes.

Any games or strategies that improve visual processing, memory and cognitive skills are greatly beneficial in improving these crucial skills needed to excel in Industry 4.0, the next chapter in the Industrial Revolution we have to face.

Eye-Brain-Gym, our solution is a customised Eye-Brain training course with an individualised specific Game Plan to suit your personal schedule and or needs.

It offers a selection of dynamic games and reading actions culminating in cognitive skills sessions to enhance the executive function in the brain and the interaction in the brain in order to move information faster to the pre-frontal cortex of the brain. Our exercises will improve your comprehension and bring you to a new level of competence when dealing with visual information.

The best part of our solution is that training your brain with the Eye-Brain-Gym is fun, it is good for your brain, and will be good for you on a personal development level. We need 10 weeks to re-shape your brain and re-wire the way you interact with visual information once and for all. For nearly three decades, our clients achieved fitness and sharpness of mind with an improved lifestyle outflow, outlasting fads.

Your training will involve an individual specific program, harnessing well tested and proven neuroscience principles in our eye-brain-gym modules.

Your weekly training sessions will be managed by our virtual coach, and our downloaded App will give you access to all the value-added functions. Your online training sessions are flexible to suit your schedule and your specific goals set out at the beginning of your course.

These sessions are accessible anywhere, as long as you have a device with internet access. Your interaction with EBG and your results will be recorded throughout your training sessions with real-time feedback. Our clients can choose to integrate our training modules into their daily programs at their institutions or in the comfort of their own home. The brain activation sessions with our virtual coach and your visible progress seen in the reporting facility will motivate and inspire you to ensure you stay on track throughout your training and development program. Results are everything, and that is why we supply you with a game-plan to keep you on track to produce lasting results.

By staying with the program, our clients increase their cognitive abilities and peak their visual processing skills. The ability to internalize and interact efficiently with visual information receives much-deserved attention during this course. Our proprietary developed EBG modules have improved lifestyle emphasis as our algorithms stimulate the activation of foundational elements in mental agility

Games to develop a coherent mind

We have designed a battery of games to boost agility which is available on-line, accessible on PC, laptop, tablet and any smart device. Our solution evaluates your skill level and compiles a tailor-made Game Plan with various lessons, including individualized exercises, to increase your agility.

These online sessions are aimed to stimulate cognitive skills/ abilities and brain plasticity in children and in adults. It assesses your skill level and automatically presents games and exercises specifically created for your individual profile.

There is a close correlation between intelligence and mental agility. The EyeBrainGym (a registered trademark of M3line) will help you improve problem-solving skills, related concepts, and improve your ability to reason and plan.

The battery of games will strengthen your brain functions, increase mental acuity and vitality. It kick-starts neural regeneration and re-connection. It will promote life-long learning and cognitive energy. Exercises in the system assist the brain in finding a way to be successful and connecting background knowledge to current or new information.

The ‘brain-industry’ is booming, and there are more and more games available on a daily basis. You do not need specific skills to solve most of these games – all that is needed is concentration and learning to be patient. Most games are compiled to be fun and entertaining.

EyeBrainGym (a registered trademark of M3line) has been developed in a way that games are used in specific sequence and intervals with researched weights and time-slots in order to achieve specific outcomes regarding visual processing and cognitive skills development. The aim is to develop a coherent mind in order to achieve improved interaction with visual information through improved visual and cognitive interaction.

EBG will help you perform a complete visual processing, reading and cognitive assessment in which we measure your processing speed, and based on your results we will provide you with a targeted set of personalized visual processing and cognitive exercises to improve your visual intelligence. These exercises are available on-line, accessible on PC, laptop, tablet and any smart device. The different interactive exercises are presented as fun brain games that you can practice on any smart device. After each exercise and lesson, we will provide you with an exciting report of progress.

It is scientifically based

The system is scientifically based using personal outcomes in a real-time data-driven management system in order to achieve personal best results for each individual user. The Placement and Final Outcome indicates proven results of improvement (ROI) measured against international norms and standards.

The system is adaptable

We need to challenge our brains constantly so that we can grow and advance in our visual and cognitive processing abilities. The system incorporates Scaffolding materials in order to challenge each user at their personal level and to ensure  interest levels are relevant to achieve higher levels of interest from the First year of schooling well into Corporate level.

Visual and executive functions are being maximized through real-time data and required performance settings for the next practice session. There is a large variety of games available to keep the training process interesting and to address the various age levels and targeted development areas. A wide range of cognitive skills is being trained.

Support is provided

We provide on-line support and a dedicated support desk for international users. Training of facilitators for organizational implementation is advisable and can be scheduled according to personal requirements. Trained subscription managers are available to practice implementation results so that users can stay within proven parameters for maximized personal outcomes.

Executive function

Executive function is a set of mental skills that include working memory, flexible thinking, and self-control. We use these skills every day to learn, work, and manage daily life.

The development of higher-order thinking skills and meta-cognition positively influence the development of good executive functioning. Playing games on EyeBrainGymTM develops contextual memory, higher and lower order thinking skills as well as meta-cognition.

Areas where EyeBrainGym develops executive function

Gameplan is the area in EyeBrainGymTM where you decide which schedule to follow in order to complete your course. Our system will guide you in making the best choices for your lifestyle, and assist you in staying on time with your training sessions.

Keeping your schedule is as easy as following the prompts on your smart device with the course inclusive EBG APP. Your course is guaranteed to be successful, and you will experience the satisfaction of staying on time with your training sessions.

Mind-activation pages give you the platform to develop the skills and strategies needed to connect known information to new information. You will learn how to ask the right questions in order to be able to find the information you need to succeed. Seeing the ‘bigger picture’ will become a natural way of looking at new information.

Reading with Comprehension develops your ‘flow of reading’ or reading fluency, giving you a strategy and skill to work in a coherent way with visual information. The message you receive will make more sense, and give your brain the opportunity to allocate more resources to critical thinking skills whilst processing information.

Achieving your goal scores will strengthen your resolve to have a breakthrough mentality when venturing into new skills development areas, and it will build your self-determination in achieving higher levels.

Visual perception

Being able to read these words seems like a simple process, but actually, it is a very complicated process that uses a number of brain structures specialized in visual perception and other sub-components of vision. Perception is the ability to interpret information, received through your senses from your surroundings.

The ability to interpret information depends on your specific cognitive processes and prior knowledge. Visual perception can be defined as the ability to interpret the information your eyes receive. Information moves from your eyes via the optic nerve to the visual cortex in the occipital lobe. The ability for an individual to interact meaningfully with his environment or surroundings depends directly on the quality of your visual perception. This includes daily life, for instance, academic, occupational and professional areas. Like all of our cognitive abilities, visual perception can be trained and improved.

Brain training exercises for visual perception use brain plasticity as a basis. With EyeBrainGymTM, we’ve developed a battery of individualized exercises designed to train visual perception and other cognitive functions. Your outcome during the evaluation and within exercises will assist EBG to comes designed to train visual perception and other cognitive functions.

Your outcome during the evaluation and within exercises will assist EBG to compile a specific exercise battery that will enable you to improve your visual perception as you work through fun games and activities within the program. As you improve your visual perception, you will be able to send information from your eyes to the brain quicker and more efficiently than before.

You will be able to see faster, think clearer and remember more. Based on your scores achieved, the solution will compile personalized exercises to help you improve visual perception. Best implementation practices between 20 – 45 minutes twice weekly for 8 – 10 weeks to stimulate the neurons and cognitive processes.

Eye-Brain-Gym exercises where visual perception is developed

The majority of the exercises included within EyeBrainGym will develop your visual perception in one way or the other.

Most of the perceptual, visual efficiency, visual accuracy and visual memory exercises will develop visual perception in a fun and challenging ways. You will enjoy the fun exercises that challenge you at various levels to see faster and interpret just as fast.

We aim to help you see and interpret what you see at less than 250 milliseconds. This high level of achievement is reached by most of our users within their first or second course. Individualised algorithms ensure the intervals and speed of each exercise is targeted to ensure specific modulations to assist individual users in achieving improved visual perception.


This is the brain ability to identify visual information. Recognition is the cognitive ability that makes it possible for an individual to extract known information, and to combine it with the new information.

This is important because it makes it possible to preform tasks more effectively and use fresh approaches to find new solutions faster. Recognition is a critical skill in developing a comprehensive reading flow.

The skill of recognition incorporates various visual processing skills.

1. Open memory (to remember without sequence)

2. Serial or sequential memory (remember in order)

3. Key-word memory (use a clue to remember words)

How can we improve recognition? All cognitive abilities, including recognition, can be trained and improved. We make it possible to train specific cognitive areas like visual memory, perceptual accuracy, visual accuracy and word-recognition with the help of Eye-Brain-Gym, our professionally developed system.

We use the scientific knowledge of brain plasticity as the basis to train and improve recognition, perceptual, visual processing and cognitive skills. The neural networks in the brain grow stronger and more efficient with continual exercises. This is the reason consistent training helps developing the brain structures that relate to recognition.

Eye-Brain-Gym exercises where Recognition is developed

Open Memory

Repeater is a very challenging exercise. You will have to quickly view the objects, numbers or letters, and identify the one that repeats.

CountMe is an exercise that helps to improve various ocular-motor skills as well as open memory. You will be challenged to remember how many times the example is flashed in rhythmic across the screen from left to right. Targeted difficulty levels will challenge your brain consistently so that so that you can is an exercise that helps to improve various ocular-motor skills as well as open memory.

You will be challenged to remember how many BlockFlash and BlockMatch will challenge and develop your visual short term memory in a variety of ways. Identify the object and remember where it was displayed with in the given time-frame. You will be challenged to distinguish differences/ or similarities among forms whilst improving the duration of fixation and recognition span.

JumbleMatch assists you in developing visual discrimination between sizes, patterns, words and word shapes, classification of items, connections be tween names and formulae etc. in a fun and interactive way.

Object Memory is a fun way to practice visual discrimination. Visual discrimination is the ability to recognize details in visual images. It allows students to identify and recognize the likeness and differences of shapes/forms, colours and positions of objects, people, and printed materials, In Object Memory, we have to use visual memory to differentiate between what was and what was not displayed in the first picture.

Sequential memory

FrameFlash is geared towards improving your span of recognition as well as the duration of fixation. These exercises develop how fast and how much you see in a fun way. Foundational in developing visual analysis and visual discrimination. Numbers, letters and combinations high-speed intervals and remembered in sequence.

MemoryBlocks is one of the most challenging exercises in EyeBrainGym (a registered trademark of M3line). This exercise will give you the challenge to remember 4 – 12 pictures in their exact positions within the timeframe given. Your sequential memory skills will be stretched and developed like never before.

FindMyFriend is the fun game of remembering where the same image is hiding. Turn the blocks and remember where the image was displayed.

Put in Order helps you to establish neural pathways to the long term memory bank. You will be expected to remember and place random sentences, from the story you have read, in the correct order.

Key-word memory

WordFlash is part of a detailed sequence of exercises within EyeBrainGym (a registered trademark of M3line) built to develop Key-word memory. This is the ability to remember visual details in the correct sequence. This is essential for spelling and reading, where you need to remember the sequence of letters in order to spell the word correctly.

WordBuild is an exercise focussed on developing spelling through visual memory. You have to build a key-word from the passage you read through ordering the letters in the correct sequence.

SentenceBuild is an exercise focussed on developing language and sentence building through visual memory. You have to build a sentence by or dering the words in the correct sequence.

Summary will challenge you to use key-words within the passage to create your own summary by putting the word into 3-5 sentences.

Working Memory

Working memory is our operational memory. it has been defined as a cluster of processes that allows us to temporarily store and manipulate information. It also carries out complex cognitive tasks by reading, comprehension, learning and reasoning with information. It is a type of short term memory that can be likened to the Ram of a computer. The capacity of the working memory is limited, and it is an active memory – therefore, not only temporarily storing but also transforming our memory.

The content within the working memory is always being updated. This gives us the ability to keep information within reach while we carry out a task. Working to improve visual working memory will not only improve reading but will also improve mathematical abilities. In fact, improving visual memory will help improve attention too.

We have the ability to integrate new and known information because of our working memory. It is a cognitive skill used in the majority of our daily tasks; this is why developing with and training your working memory is important for all academic, occupational and professional tasks.

Working memory has two significant limitations. It can grasp only approximately seven items of distinct bits of information at a time. Secondly, it can hold this information for roughly ten seconds. If then, when reading, this critical moment in the working memory must be applied for decoding, no time is available for comprehension.

This explains why poor readers spend hours on reading and rereading, first to properly decode what they are in the brain grow stronger and more efficient with continual exercises. This is the reason constant training helps developing the brain structures that relate to working memory.

Based on your scores achieved, the solution will compile a personalised cognitive exercise to help you improve processing and contextual memory. Best implementation practises between 20 – 45 minutes twice weekly for 8 – 10 weeks to stimulate the neurons and cognitive processes.

Eye-Brain-Gym exercises where Working Memory is developed

Almost 90% of the exercises included within EyeBrainGymTM will develop your working memory in one way or the other.


Training and increasing eye-brain performance produce healthier, stronger minds. LAB increases neuro-plasticity. Neural plasticity is described as the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Connections within the brain are constantly becoming stronger or weaker, depending on what is being used.

This is the ‘muscle-building’ part of the brain; the physical basis why repetition strengthens the power of choices and actions. Over time it becomes automatic – a part of who we are. EBG harnesses these truths in a way that structures the eyes, muscles, neurons and mind in accurate patterns to interact with information.

Brain plasticity refers to the capacity of the nervous system to change its structure and function over a lifetime in response to the environment. Neural plasticity allows neurons to regenerate both anatomically as well as functionally and to form new synaptic connections. So it is the ability of the brain to recover and restructure itself. We have developed a battery of exercise for brain stimulation to encourage the creation of new synapses and neural circuits to increase eye-brain performance.

Synaptic plasticity

When engaged in new experiences and learning the brain establishes a series of neural pathways. These circuits or pathways are routes made with interconnecting neurons.

These pathways are formed in the brain through daily repetition, almost like a small ‘footpath’ is created in the African bush by animals walking the same route day after day. These communication pathways can regenerate through your lifetime.

A better connection between the neuros means that messages can travel more efficiently when creating a new pathway. Synaptic plasticity is pivotal in the brains amazing plasticity.


Where synaptic plasticity is achieved through enhancing communication at the synaptic connection between existing neurons, neurogenesis refers to the birth and production of new neurons in the brain.

For up to the 90’s, most scientists believed that this was not possible, but new research has proven that in fact, neurogenesis happens up to our late 70’s.

Neurogenesis takes place when new neurons are birthed through special stem cells in the Hippocampus and possibly also in the pre-frontal cortex.

Contextual memory

Object mesh helps our brain to learn how to complete an unfinished picture. You have to be able to distinguish differences in the outline shape of the configuration as well as distinguish a complete object from an incomplete picture.

Jumble match pictures help us to connect an item to a group, developing skills of categorizing information through connecting new and known information.

Mind-activation pages and Match the word, and description assist in contextualising information through developing categorizing and contextual reference skills.

Mind-activation pages and Meta-cognition exercises train your brain to ask the right questions, in order to be able to find the information you need to succeed. Seeing the ‘bigger picture’ will become a natural way of looking at new information. You will learn how to think about your personal ways, skills and strategies in learning new information, and you will discover new and excitingly efficient ways of interacting with the ocean of information around you.

Based on your scores achieved, the solution will compile personalised cognitive exercises to help you improve processing and contextual memory. Best implementation practises between 20 – 45 minutes twice weekly for 8 – 10 weeks. We train ocular-motor skills, stimulate the neurons through exercises and train cognitive processes twice a week.

Eye-Brain-Gym exercises where contextual memory is developed

This is defined as the ability to memorise and discern the origin of a specific item. It can include time, place, people, emotion or any other kind of contextual information related to the specific memory.

This is a basic process needed for long-term memory.

It is the ability that allows us to remember the different aspects that go with learning something new. When you can use these skills and strategies, you are improving the way you learn,  because this plays an essential role in developing efficient long-term memory. When contextual memory is declining, it has been proven that there is deterioration in the frontal lobe of the brain.

Contextual memory can be trained and improved, like any other cognitive skill. Thanks to brain plasticity, we are able to strengthen weaker neural connections responsible for the decline in contextual memory.

Visual Short term memory

The ability to retain visual information (letters, shapes, colours, numbers, etc.) over a short period of time. This information to be retained from visual short term memory can be processed by the working memory, and become long-term memory, or it can simply be discarded. It plays a role in our daily lives; it makes it possible to process information that isn’t directly in front of us. That is why understanding and assessing visual short term memory can be helpful in both the academic and professional environments.

Visual Short Term Memory brain training exercises use brain plasticity as a basis. With EBG, we’ve developed a battery of exercises designed to train visual short term memory and other cognitive functions. The neural networks in the brain grow stronger and more efficient with continual exercises. This is the reason constant training helps developing the brain structures that relate to visual short term memory.

A child’s visual memory is their ability to immediately recall the characteristics of any given object, symbol or form. We communicate in terms of words, both verbally and with reading.

But we don’t think in terms of words. Instead, we think in terms of concepts and pictures. So, being able to enhance our ability to remember and relate pictures and concepts to words will improve our thinking, which in turn will improve our reading. EyeBrianGym TM users different sequenced exercises to develop visual memory – in tandem with other important visual processing skills. The descriptions below are a mere indication of some of the skills developed, as the process could be described as a symphony, where many different actions combine to create a beautiful song.

Eye-Brain-Gym exercises where Visual Short Term Memory is developed

Frameflash is geared towards improving your span of recognition as well as the duration of fixation. These exercises develop how fast and how much you see in a fun way. Foundational in developing visual analysis and visual discrimination.

ObjectMesh allows you to ‘complete’ the picture, number, letter and shape. Heads-up because this exercise can become quite challenging as you progress through the different levels.

Repeater is a very challenging exercise. You will have to quickly view the objects, numbers or letters, and identify the one that repeats.

BlockFlash will challenge and develop your visual short term memory in a variety of ways. Identify the object and remember where it was displayed within the given time-frame. The ability to discriminate between detail is developed with this exercise.

JumbleMatch assists you in developing visual discrimination between sizes, patterns, words and word shapes, classification of items, connections be tween names and formula etc. in a fun and interactive way.

BlockMatch will challenge and develop your visual short term memory in a variety of ways. Identify the object and remember where it was displayed within the given time-frame. You will be challenged to distinguish differences/ or similarities among forms.

MemoryBlocks One of the most challenging exercises in EyeBrainGym TM will give you the challenge to remember 4 – 12 pictures in their exact positions within the time frame given.

ObjectMemory is a fun way to practice visual discrimination. Visual discrimination is the ability to recognize details in visual images. It allows students to identify and recognize the likeness and differences of shapes/forms, colors and positions of objects, people, and printed materials. In ObjectMemory, we have to use visual memory to differentiate between what was and what was not displayed in the first picture.

FindMyFriend is the fun game of remembering where the same image is hiding. Turn the blocks and remember where the image was displayed.

WordFlash is part of a detailed sequence of exercises within EyeBrainGymTM built to develop Visual Sequential Memory. This is the ability to remember visual details in the correct sequence. This is essential for spelling and reading, where you need to remember the sequence of letters in order to spell the word correctly.

Comprehension gives you an opportunity to develop reading comprehension. Reading comprehension is the ability to read, understand, process, and recall what was just read. Having excellent reading comprehension skills is crucial. It increases the enjoyment and effectiveness of reading and helps not only academically, but professionally, and in a person’s personal life.

PutInOrder is focused on developing sequential memory. You will be expected to remember and place random sentences, from the story you have read, in the correct order.

Complete will give you the opportunity to place words from the passage you have read in their correct place within the sentence. This exercise will help you improve various visual cognitive and skills in order to achieve improved visual intelligence.

MatchUs is an exercise where you have to link a sight word from the passage to the description you typed in at the FlashPhrase exercise. Visual memory and language skills will assist you in reaching the goal to complete the exercise as quickly as possible.

Visual Scanning

This is a fundamental skill in the visual system. It is the ability to quickly and efficiently look for relevant information in your environment. You use your vision to find something specific. this helps you efficiently carry out a number of different tasks. it is a function of visual perception that is aimed at detecting and recognizing visual stimuli.  Peripheral vision is an aspect of vision that is integrally part of visual scanning. We use our whole visual field to find information pertinent to the task at hand.

When you want to find something specific, your brain will automatically go through a series of interrelated processes, for instance – selective and focused attention.

1. Visual perception makes it possible to distinguish and identify colors and shapes etc.

2. Recognition is comparing the information you received to determine whether this is known information or new information.

Visual Scanning brain training exercises use brain plasticity as a basis. With EBG, we’ve developed a battery of exercises designed to train visual short term memory and other cognitive functions. The neural networks in the brain grow stronger and more efficient with continual exercises. this is the reason constant training helps developing the brain structures that relate to visual short term memory.

Eye-Brain-Gym exercises where Visual Scanning is developed

FollowMe will develop your visual scanning skills and take your visual efficiency to the next level. You have to follow the images, shapes, numbers, and letters in a circle, determining how many times the example is flashed on the screen – watch out, there can be a quick change of direction!

FocusOut is the exercise for developing Peripheral vision is an aspect of vision that is integrally part of visual scanning. We use our whole visual field to find information pertinent to the task at hand. Peripheral vision enables the eye to find the next fixation point whilst moving from one fixation to the next. It is a crucial skill when developing silent reading fluency.

CountMe is an exercise that helps to improve various ocular-motor skills specifically geared towards visual scanning. You will quickly identify, and remember how many times the example is flashed rhythmic across the screen from left to right. Targeted difficulty levels will challenge your brains constantly so that you can grow and advance in our visual and cognitive processing abilities using shapes, images, numbers, letters and combinations.

BlockFlash and BlockMatch will challenge and develop your visual scanning in a variety of ways. You need to quickly identify the object and remember where it was displayed within the given time-frame. The ability to discriminate between detail is developed with this exercise.

JumbleMatch assists you in developing visual scanning when you quickly and accurately have to discriminate between sizes, patterns, words and word shapes, classification of items, connections between names and formula etc. in a fun and interactive way.

MindActivation trains your brain to ask the right questions, in order to be able to find the information you need to succeed. Your brain will learn how to see the ‘bigger picture’ when looking at new information.

Skimming will give you the opportunity to look at a few sentences from a passage quickly and to develop your prediction skills. you will have to write a few sentences on what you expect will happen in the passage. This exercise takes visual scanning to the next level by giving you the opportunity to learn how to interact creatively with visual information.

Scanning will test your develop your visual scanning capabilities to the extreme. Allow your eyes to quickly flow over the passage as you search and point out specific sight words that are indicated at the top of the screen.

Focussed attention

This is the brain’s ability to concentrate its attention on a specific stimulus for any period of time. This helps us to quickly identify relevant information and is an important skill that helps us to carefully and efficiently carry out various tasks in our daily lives.

Focused attention relies on a number of personal capacities, including physical, like visual skills modalities, emotional, perceptual, cognitive, affection, and a combined effect of two or more of the different capacities. Turning your mental focus to the specific area depends on your focused attention, which is why assessing and developing focused attention is important in a variety of different areas of daily life, for instance, academic. occupational and professional areas.

Brain training exercises for focused attention use brain plasticity as a basis. With EBG, we’ve developed a battery of individualized exercises designed to train focused attention and other cognitive functions. The neural networks in the brain grow stronger and more efficient by challenging them and through continual exercises. So by frequently training these skills, the brains structures related to focused attention will become stronger. The key to focused attention is consistent training. This will help individuals to develop the brain structures that relate to focused attention.

Based on your scores achieved, the solution will compile a personalised battery of cognitive exercises to help you improve processing and focussed attention. Best implementation practises between 20 – 45 minutes twice weekly for 8 – 10 weeks to stimulate the neurons and cognitive processes.

The program is made up of fun and interactive brain games and ocular, perceptual exercises and at the end of each training session, the user automatically receives a detailed report on the progress made in the various areas.

Eye-Brain-Gym exercises where focused attention is developed

Various of the perceptual, visual efficiency, visual accuracy and visual memory exercises are focused on developing focused attention. You will enjoy the fun exercises that challenge you at various levels to see faster, remember more and think better. Individualized algorithms ensure the intervals and speed of each exercise is targeted to ensure specific modulations to assist individual users in achieving development of focused attention.

Processing speed

Processing speed is one of the primary elements of the cognitive process; this is why special focus must be given to this element. It influences learning, academic performance, intellectual development, reasoning, and experience. Processing speed is measured in the time that lapses from the moment you receive the information until you start to respond to the information.

It is a cognitive ability that can be defined as the time it takes a person to complete a specific mental task. It is related to the speed in which a person can see, process, understand and react to the information they receive. Slow or poor processing is not necessarily related to intelligence. It means that a specific task can be more difficult than others for an individual. it will also influence processing tasks, as without necessary speed focus can become a problem. It is a specific area that can and should be developed. When we are able to process information automatically, we are able to process quickly and without doing it consciously.

The higher the processing speed, the more efficient you are able to think and learn when looking at processing speed within the reading action, we take note of the following: the essential building blocks for reading should be mastered.

These essentials include phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary and fluency. If one of these should lack during the reading process, comprehension is severely compromised, and academic reading cannot take place. Fluency in reading is critical for reading competency and is consequently fundamental in reading success. Taylor further states that many learners fail to make the required transition to fluent reading, and subsequently, they encounter significant difficulties in contracting meaning from text.

Exercises within EyeBrainGymTM develops students’ perceptual accuracy, visual efficiency, visual accuracy and visual memory, subsequently enabling students to bypass decoding because words and word parts are automatically recognized as visual orthographic images from declarative and procedural memory. The improved processing speed then allows working memory to be fully utilized for comprehension purposes.

Examples within the EBG system that assist in developing processing speed

1. Various visual exercises are focused on training the brain to recognize patterns

2. Visual exploration tasks are part and parcel of the MindActivation and Meta-cognition exercises. Mind-activation pages and Meta-cognition exercises train your brain to explore visual information in new and exciting ways. You will learn to ask the right questions in order to be able to find the information you need to succeed. You will be able to develop strategies to improve your exploration skills of which using clues to predict and infer more than what the information is telling you, to evaluate information and decide what is important, as well as to draw conclusions faster and more efficiently.

3. These and other skills and strategies developed will allow you to have improved simple decision making by finding the relevant information quickly and making informed decisions.

Processing speed affects every stage of learning, and it contributes to many learning disorders. With our exercises and reports, we are able to gather reliable information regarding the users cognitive processing speed easily. Like any other cognitive function or ability, you can train, and improve processing speed and EBG will help you to do this with fun and challenging exercises. The basis of improving processing speed is to develop me processing speed and EBG will help you to do this with fun and challenging exercises. The basis of improving processing speed is to develop me ta-cognitive strategies. This enables more solid connection in the brain, which allows the signals to travel faster to one-another.

Most of these connections are formed in our brain when we are young, but it is still possible to train them and improve your brain processing speed. Neuroplasticity is described as the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. Connections within the brain are constantly becoming stronger or weaker, depending on what is being used. This improves functionality. This is the ‘muscle-building’ part of the brain; the physical basis why repetition strengthens the power of choices and actions. Over time it becomes automatic – a part of who we are. EBG harnesses these truths in a way that structures the eyes, muscles, neurons and mind in accurate patterns to interact faster and with more accuracy with information.

(Taylor, 2000; Koenig, 2015; National Reading Panel, 2000; Kame’enui & Simmons, 2001).

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