see more  read faster • think clearer

See more
Read faster
Think Clearer

Discover your reading ability under 25 minutes:

The evaluation within PlaceMe is based upon accepted international norms and standards for silent reading fluency. This is the starting point of your ‘GPS’ in eyebraingym. When you know where you are, we can chart a course to where you want to go… This can be your first step to develop the necessary skills and strategies that you need to be successful in the 21st century.

Watch the video below
to find out how Placeme works.

How to interpret your placement report.

I like what I see, let’s placeme for FREE

Why should I do placeme?

Since education went digital by storm due to Covid-19, everyone is trying to support their students and bridge gaps.

You may have noticed multiple online support resources and tools, But can the impact made be measured?

Is there a way we can develop a persons skills and abilities, measure and track the improvement?

The answer is yes, and here are the reasons:

eyebraingym is in a constant state of evolving in measuring and adapting your personal training to optimize development

– Projected outcomes are based on over 120 000 user profiles

– Completing a placement takes +-25 minutes

– Placement consists of three basic areas that will be measured

– Average level of skill improvement is 6 years

What will we measure during the free placeme?

PlaceMe works with the  eyebraingym  TM systems to ensure you are accurately placed within eyebraingym so that you can achieve the best outcomes in your improvement. There are three different games working together to place you. Each game plays a vital role in gauging your current skill levels.

PAVE ​outcomes will confirm how much you can see at the expected 250 milliseconds. Measure yourself against your peers, and the goals set for your level.

LanguageLevel points out your language proficiency. This outcome will ensure you are placed in a level that is fun but still challenging so that you can focus on developing the skills you need to develop.

ReadingLevel is the final indicator for placement and will give us a reading speed with comprehension outcome.

The evaluation within PlaceMe is based upon accepted international norms and standards for silent reading fluency. The Norm table used by Lectorsa for evaluating relative reading efficiency is “Grade level norms for the Components of the Fundamental Reading skill” research done by Stanford E Taylor, Helen Frackenpohl and James L Pettee, EDL research and information Bulletin No 3 EDL Inc. 1960. The evaluation will give an outcome in three different areas.

Terminology used:

The Visual processing factor is measured in words per minute. This indicates the multi-faceted outcomes of perceptual accuracy, visual efficiency and accuracy as well as visual memory when working with visual information. Your results are measured against international norms available for these factors. Visual processing is expressed as a factor.

The Cognitive development factor is measured as % comprehension against the difficulty of the content and expressed as a factor. Comprehension focus areas include lower-order and higher-order thinking skills: knowledge, understanding, application, analysis, evaluation and synthesis.

AIUF (Action-Interpret-Understand Factor) indicates the relative efficiency-related in a Grade level norm and is the indicator of relative improvement achieved. This norm shows the efficient flow of information through the brain and is expressed as a factor. New information is actioned in the brain when processing it through the working memory. It is then brought into context by interpreting it through logic, reasoning and connecting it to known information in the long term memory.

Once you have completed the Placeme, you will have the option to continue with Lesson 1 of a course. You will have a final option to continue with the rest of your course designed specifically to help you develop the necessary skills and strategies you need to be successful in the 21st century.

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