What is eyebraingym’s School Subscription and who is it for?
Our clients include schools registered with the Department of Education.
Ensuring all students develop the skills and strategies needed to interact effectively with their curriculum is becoming a greater challenge than ever before in human history.
Students need to be able to see faster, remember better and think smarter in order to achieve improved outcomes expected in standardised evaluations.
eyebraingym achieves these goals quickly and effortlessly for our clients.
Watch the video below to see what eyebraingym is all about and how it can help the children at your school
Let’s get visual
Invest in your Schools future,
Sign up for eyebraingym’s School Subscription today!
Don’t wait till it’s too late!
Sign up for the full School Subscription today
for ONLY R20 000 excl!
Contact us for more information about the School Subscription
This is YOUR invitation to access our diagnostic tool with no cost to identify gaps in student learning skills.