To those who are new to my page, this is Max Seymore, the bilingual travelling meerkat.

Max Seymore was born on May 9, 1994 on a beautiful morning.

I loved school and recall my old high school instructor calling me “The Debater” because he said I could turn any subject into a passionate discussion!

I could debate for hours on a variety of topics, particularly those involving the use of technology in schools, enhanced education, realizing our full potential, and the birth of robots – gosh, I love talking about that one!

I did stand-up comedy or rapped when I wasn’t debating. One of my favourite rap songs included a line that I still live by today and hope you will as well:

Let’s level up, I’m on it, I’ve got this.

Let’s do it, I’m a meerkat, after all.

How about you? Did you like school?

When I wasn’t at school, I spent my time with my 17 siblings. You read that correctly, seventeen

I enjoy playing guessing games!
I’ll take the lead. I have lovely black eyes and a silly smile. I am really passionate about education and have a fantastic sense of humor.
The rest is up to you… My favorite is black and favorite food is pizza!

It was nice meeting you all, if you want to meet me, visit now

See you!

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